Helping You Find A Pathway Of Hope, Healing, And New Life.


Fear…it can steal a lot from us

Fear is powerful. It steals joy, happiness, adventure and opportunities from us. Fear works its way into our minds and hinders us from living the life we were made to live. Everyone has experienced fear at one point in his or her life. Even those people who you think are “fearless,” they aren’t. At some point I bet they have been afraid. It is okay to be afraid but it is not okay to let fear control your life.

I’m not talking about fear of snakes, heights, spiders, water, etc. I am talking about the type of fear that affects us everyday and hinders us from living our life to the fullest. Maybe one of those fears mentioned does hinder you from living your everyday life. If that is the case, let’s face those fears together. But there are other fears, these fears I like to call the silent fears. These are fears that we don’t tell anyone because we are afraid that if we do we will be judged so instead we keep it to ourselves and suffer on the inside.

Fear keeps us from doing things that we truly want to do. Fear is sneaky. Fear shows itself in individual’s lives in different ways. A lot of the time fear comes out as a form of anxiety. We may have a panic attack or have shortness of breath or we get dizzy and sick to our stomach. Fear is going to look different for everyone. How does fear resonate itself in your life? What do you wish you can do but fear is stopping you?

Have you ever heard of the phrase, FOMO (fōmō)? It stands for Fear Of Missing Out. People who have fears also have FOMO. When we let our fear control us we miss out. Maybe you don’t let fear dictate your life, but I’m sure you know someone who does. If you do, encourage them. Encourage them to face their fears or to seek help for their fears. If fear is ruling your life you shouldn’t be suffering from FOMO too.

FOMO may be a silly phrase but fear is not silly. Fear is real. When you think about facing your fears more fear rises to the surface. Sometimes when you think about FOMO it can spark something in you. Get mad. Show your fears who’s boss. Show your fears who is in control of your life. Take control of your life. The good thing is you don’t have to do it alone. Find a friend or loved one who can maybe help you face some of your fears. If those fears are a little too hard to face, find a counselor who can walk with you through your fears. We can help you work through some of these fears that seems impossible to overcome. We don’t want you to have FOMO any more. Think about how awesome it would be to conquer your fears. Maybe you can go on the vacation you have always wanted to but you’re too afraid to fly. Or maybe you can finally apply to your dream job. Or maybe you can take up swimming in the ocean. You can do whatever you put your mind to and we can help you do it.