Helping You Find A Pathway Of Hope, Healing, And New Life.

The Holidays:Part Three – How To Stay Calm?

If you already read part one and two you are on your way to a calmer Christmas.

Having the ability to say no is the first step. Now, how do you stay calm during all the hustle and bustle?

Step one: Have about 5-10 minutes of quiet time a day.
Step two: Make sure to do at least one thing you enjoy doing.
Step three: Try to focus on the joy of the season, because this too shall pass.
Step four: Refocus yourself; remind yourself what really matters during this season.
Step five: Delegate, don’t take every thing on yourself.
Step six: Remind yourself that everything will be ok, positive self-talk is important.
Step seven: Breathe (more to come on this in part 4)

Try doing these things everyday. This will not only help your during the holiday season but everyday of the year. If you really take the time to try these things during this season, hopefully you will notice some improvement. No thing is too small. Maybe having a piece of chocolate is your one thing you do a day that you enjoy. Or maybe taking a nice hot bath is your 10 minutes of quiet time. You do whatever works for you. I challenge you to put yourself first at least once everyday.

You can do this!!!

Stay calm!!!

Up Next – Part four: Breathing