Helping You Find A Pathway Of Hope, Healing, And New Life.



Whew…that is a scary word!  Who wants to be vulnerable?  I don’t think many of us would elect ourselves to be vulnerable.  Lets look more into this world of vulnerability.

The definition of vulnerable is “Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.  (Of a person) in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk of abuse or neglect.”

Okay, I’m out!  Peace!  See ya!  No thanks!  

After reading that definition, who would ever what to be vulnerable?  Have you ever tried being vulnerable?  What happened?  Were you made fun of?  Did others who you were being vulnerable with hurt you?  Were you accepted?  Were you rejected?  Were you heard by others?  Those of us who fear vulnerability most likely have been hurt in the past when being vulnerable.  And that just plain sucks.  I’ve been there.  I’ve been hurt.  The walls go up and we tell ourselves we will never be vulnerable again.  We are protecting ourselves.  I want to challenge you, let those walls down.  Break them down brick by brick.  Take your time.  Be vulnerable in ways you are only comfortable with.  Start slow.  Find someone you can trust.  

I am going to link a video that I have watched multiple times.  It is a Ted Talk by Brene Brown.  She is very well versed in the world of vulnerability.  If you are curious about vulnerability I encourage you to watch it

If this video stirs up things for you, you don’t have to deal with it alone.  We would love to help you work through whatever is going on in your life. Working with a a professional mental health counselor can truly help you through whatever is happening in life. 

Also, if you have any more questions about vulnerability or any other topics you would like us to blog about, follow us on Facebook @ NewHopeCounselingService  

and let us know.  Feel free to private message us if you don’t want to post on our wall.  We would love to know your feedback.  We would also love to blog about issues and topics you want to read about.