Helping You Find A Pathway Of Hope, Healing, And New Life.
Change: Who Likes It?
Typically, people do not like change. Change is a dreaded six-letter word. We like our routine. We like doing what we want, when we want and how we want. When something gets in the way of that and causes us to CHANGE something, many struggles and issues can arise.
This doesn’t go to say that everyone doesn’t like change. Some people thrive off of change. If something stays the same for too long, some people are begging for a change. Some people are not content with the same old routine, and issues can arise from them as well. But that is a blog post for another time.
Change is scary. It means new things are ahead of us. We are going to be pushed outside of our comfort zones. Sometimes, if not all of the time, change brings us into the unknown. Sometimes it feels like we are starting all over from scratch. Maybe we have to learn something new or adjust to a new city or new school. Anything involving change can be scary, but does it always have to be?
No! Change can be good. It can bring us into the scary world of the unknown but it can also be exciting. Change means something new. Getting a new puppy would be considered a change, right? But none of us would be afraid of that change. We would be excited and looking forward to how that puppy will change our lives. Obviously not all change is as great as getting a new puppy but we have the choice to make the most out of our changes. If we think about all the times we have gone through a change in our lives we can see how we have adjusted and made due with our changes. Some changes, even though they seemed scary, they ended up being amazing. Some changes don’t always end up amazing but there is always a way to get through it. How are you going to get through this dreaded thing we call change?
Here at New Hope we want to help you through the changes. Not every change has to be bad. We can help make the changes easier on you, your child and or your family. If a change has caused stress, depression, hurt and sadness, we can help with that too. We can support you in your time of need when change disrupted your life more than one would have liked.