Helping You Find A Pathway Of Hope, Healing, And New Life.


The Holidays:Part Four – Breathing

December 17, 2018

Breathing is more helpful than you may think. When I tell people to breath, the first thing they do is look at me like I am dumb. Then they will say something like I am breathing. Yes, you may be breathing, but are you really breathing? Are you breathing in a way to help yourself…

The Holidays:Part Three – How To Stay Calm?

December 13, 2018

If you already read part one and two you are on your way to a calmer Christmas. Having the ability to say no is the first step. Now, how do you stay calm during all the hustle and bustle? Step one: Have about 5-10 minutes of quiet time a day. Step two: Make sure to…

The Holidays:Part Two – Who To Say “No” To?

December 10, 2018

Who can you say no to this holiday season? The short answer is, everyone. There are some things that no matter what, we have to do them during the holidays. It is tradition. Sometimes we do have to sacrifice a tiny bit in order to make someone else very happy. That is okay, but you…

The Holidays:Part One – Say “NO”

December 7, 2018

Welcome to our series on “how to survive the holidays and enjoy them.” How to say no, it sure does sound easy. It’s just a small two-letter word, yet at times it can be so hard to say that tiny word. The holidays can be full of demands, questions, wants and needs. Our parents want…

Wait Wait Wait

August 9, 2018

Have you ever been waiting for something, and it seems like you are never going to get it? Have you ever waited for something for so long that you have lost hope that you will ever get what you were waiting for? What do you do while you wait for a job, an acceptance letter,…

The Joys of Summer

July 25, 2018

Some people LOVE summer and some people HATE it. I’m in the LOVE category. Summer opens up opportunities that winter does not. Summer has been known to be a mood booster. The sun shines and it stays light later. I love when I drive home from work at 8:00pm and the sun is still shining.…


July 12, 2018

  Bullying is something that some of us are all too familiar with. Bullying can affect someone’s life in a way that is so incredibly hurtful that it is almost incomprehensible. Bullying stays with someone for a very long time. It is possible to get through it but it always stays with us. Individuals and…

Saying Good-bye to the Winter Blues!!

April 25, 2018

Finally, it is that time of year.  We can put away our boots and winter coats and break out the sandals, shorts, tank tops and even bathing suits.  For some people, your heart just sank when you read, “bathing suits.” Believe me, I understand. Isn’t it crazy to think about how much weather affects our…

Mental Health Is All About WHO You Know

March 19, 2018

Recently it seems like every other commercial on T.V. is for some sort of DNA testing service or ancestry discovery.  For a few dollars you can discover if you are Italian or Icelandic or whether have a lineage of lederhosen.  The trend seems to hold several practical purposes like discovering if your genetic code carries…

How to Fight WITH Your Spouse, Part 2: Know Your Target

March 1, 2018

The previous article focused on the inevitability of marital conflict.  I proposed that not being surprised by spousal conflict might make the pain of the argument sting less.  Just to be clear, I don’t advocate for or expect constant bickering in spousal relationships.  In light of taking the shock out of arguing with our partner,…